Dear Diary,
After our grand victory at the battle of Cintla, to my delight, the bested Tabascans pledged their obedience to my Spanish army and I. They also promised to be faithful citizens to the King Charles of Spain. We were also rewarded with golden trinkets, and some of the best foods the Tabasco people could provide, and 20 of their native women. I quickly picked to be my mistress, a woman named Malinaltzin. I also had her baptized and I renamed her Dona Marina or "lady Marina", but her people continued to call her Malinaltzin. I hope that she can be much help to us, for she can speak not only the the Nahuatl language, but the Chontal Maya language as well. She should be a great addition to our expedition, and she should be much help to us all in our conquest.
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